Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Tonight the Sauce is Boss

I decided to try this recipe because it looked both easy and different from anything I have ever made before. I was right; it was definitely a quick and easy to the table sort of dinner, but my oh my, it was restaurant quality, serve to impress guests, and a delight for the palate all in one. This is a keeper! I actually saw this being made on Create TV while I was busy getting ready to go out, so it is my take on those few hurried moments of viewing. What makes this dish so very special is the wasabi sauce. Look how thick it is! Now, imagine the taste, creamy with a hint of Asian and just a little bite. You will love it! (Serves 4)

Grilled Tuna Steaks with Whipped Wasabi Sauce

4 tuna steaks
olive oil, salt and pepper

Brush the tuna on both sides with the olive oil and then sprinkle with salt and pepper. Place them on a hot grill about 4 minutes per side, just until the pick fades from the center and before they become dry.

For the sauce:

1/3 cup wasabi powder
1/3 cup soy sauce
Juice of 1/2 lemon
3 cups whipped heavy cream

While the tuna is grilling, mix the sauce ingredients until smoothly assimilated, and then spoon this sauce over the grilled tuna. Wait until you taste this sauce.  I served it with a veggie pasta salad and sliced peaches. Next time I think I'll serve it with skewered vegetables and cous cous or quinoa. I hope you try this and love it as much as we did! This is a weeknight dinner you would be proud to serve to guests.

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