Sunday, July 1, 2012

Cool and Light for a Hot Summer Night

I looked at a few fish kabob recipes on line, then in the collection of recipes I've cut from various publications through the years, and finally Giada De Laurentiis' newest cookbook Weeknights with Giada. This recipe is a composite of my findings. I especially like Giada's recipe using more than one kind of fish on the kabob and making an herb butter to finish the fish after grilling. This is what transpired at the Cowles' house.

I used fish that was in my freezer and herbs that were at peak in my garden.

1 fillet of barramundi (an Australian sea bass)
1 mahi mahi fillet
1 ahi tuna filet

I cut each fillet into kabob size pieces, placed them in a shallow bowl and poured this marinade over them:

1/4 cup olive oil
juice of one lemon and about a teaspoon of the zest
juice of one lime and about a teaspoon of the zest
2 cloves of garlic, chopped
1 teaspoon of minced red onion
2 tablespoons, chopped fresh parsley
1 teaspoon chopped fresh thyme
2 tablespoons chopped fresh chives
1 tablespoon chopped fresh oregano
salt and fresh ground pepper to taste (I love the pepper)

Marinate the fish pieces in the refrigerator for an hour or so and then off to the grill. We chose to use charcoal for this meal, but a gas grill or a broiler would work fine. Grill about three minutes on each side and the fish is coooked in ten minutes or less. The kabobs are great as is, or you can make them special occasion ready by topping with an herb butter. I softened a quarter stick of butter and mixed with it the same herbs in the same amount as I put in the marinade. As the fish comes hot off the grill, dab with the butter and watch the goodness melt.
This recipe made four kabobs that generously fed three people. For sides I served sweet potato oven fries, broccoli, and a citris salad.  For dessert we grilled peach slices over that same charcoal fire. Then served them warm over vanillabean ice cream with chocolate and whipped cream!

The presentation was fun and despite the number of ingredients in the marinade, it took about five minutes to throw together. It could easily double for a larger group. It was very high on the yum factor! Try it and let me know what you think.

              Cool and light for a hot summer night!